Friday, January 14, 2011


ok, I didn't do well, I didn't keep my resolution....... but I am going to blog anyway!

Today, I started 半断食疗法, a therapy that has been used to help lots of cancer patient. The main point is to detox your blood and help to improve immune system. Furthermore, this therapy is also vary good to help people to lose weight.

Two way, for people wants to detox only, twice a year. for people who wants to lose weight, 3 times in 4 months.

Today is my first day: weight X (To embarrassed to say it!)

Breakfast: warm water+sea salt+half lemon+400ml (better with 250ml), Yogurt+ 1tps olive oil+2tps honey+ some fruits

Half hour before lunch: Onion soup, ABC juice

Lunch: Korean combo set

So far so good, will update dinner tonight!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What date is it?

What date is it today? I am so confusing~ Had dinner with Jas's Family yesterday, how sweet! However, I missed Yoga for that, phwahahaha.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Oh dear!

Oh dear, on the third day of 2011, I broke my own promises~ but when time passes, there is nothing you can do, but make-ups. I have to admit that is the worst thing to do. Of course the best is not to break your own promises, because there are something that even make-ups won't do. Sign~

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A boring day~

Today is the second day of 2011. Sadly, I have done nothing but bought a watermelon from the supermarket. Now I am watching Korean shows, how'd hell can those Korean girls remain so slim~ Maybe I should eat kimchi everyday, every meal! It's 9:40pm, time to call my father, tell him that I am still alive~

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A brand new year for a brand new start

It is 8:00 pm on the 1st Jan of 2011, a brand new year! It's a perfect time to start a blog! In fact, I have already had three blogs, but I never wrote again after my first post, so here is my new year's revolution: blog everyday!

I watched the movie "Julie and Julia" this morning. A great movie, inspiring, moving, funny, the best movie I've ever seen this year! haha, yes, I am talking about 2011~ Julia Child is now becoming my favorite person~ unbelievable! Btw, Meryl Streep is awesome.